Hepatitis B is an infection of your liver. It can cause scarring of the organ,

liver failure, and cancer. It can be fatal if it isn’t treated.

It’s spread when people come in contact with the blood, open sores, or

body fluids of someone who has the hepatitis B virus.

It's serious, but if you get the disease as an adult, it shouldn’t last a long

time. Your body fights it off within a few months, and you’re immune for

the rest of your life. That means you can't get it again. But if you get it at

birth, it’ unlikely to go away.

What Are the Symptoms of Hepatitis B?

When you’re first infected, the warning signs include:

Jaundice.- Your skin or the whites of the eyes turn yellow, and your pee

turns brown or orange.)

Light-colored poop


Fatigue that persists for weeks or months

Stomach trouble like loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting

Belly pain

Symptoms may not show up until 1 to 6 months after you catch the virus.

You might not feel anything. About a third of the people who have this

disease don’t. They only find out through a blood test.




It’s caused by the hepatitis B virus.


How Do You Get Hepatitis B?


The most common ways to get hepatitis B include:


*Sex* You can get it if you have unprotected sex with someone who has it

and your partner’s blood, saliva, semen, or vaginal secretions enter your



*Sharing needles* The virus spreads easily via needles and syringes

contaminated with infected blood.


*Accidental needle sticks.* Health care workers and anyone else who

comes in contact with human blood can get it this way.


*Mother to child.* Pregnant women with hepatitis B can pass it to their

babies during childbirth. But there’s a vaccine to prevent newborns from

becoming infected.


How Common Is Hepatitis B?


The number of people who get this disease is down, the CDC says. Rates

have dropped from an average of 200,000 per year in the 1980s to around

20,000 in 2016. People between the ages of 20 and 49 are most likely to

get it.

Only 5% to 10% of adults and children older than 5 who have hepatitis B

end up with a chronic infection. The numbers aren’t so good for those

younger than 5 (25% to 50%) and even higher for infants infected at birth



So if you value your health, I'd suggest that you take a few moments to answer the following questions: ·


·         Are you diagnosed of Hepatitis? ·        

·         Do you often feel tired or weak? ·        

·         Do you sometimes experience back pain, abdominal pain or lower torso discomfort? ·        

·         Do you ever feel nauseous or suffer from a loss of appetite? ·        

·         Does your skin or the whites of your eyes appear yellowish in color? ·        

·         Do you binge drink, or drink alcohol on a regular basis? ·        

·         Do you smoke? ·        

·         Are you trying to lose Belly Fat or weight but not seem to be working? ·        

·         Are you overweight and struggling to shift those excess pounds? ·        

·         Did you just suddenly lost weight drastically? ·        

·         Have you noticed a patchy, dark skin discoloration, usually on the neck or underarm area? ·        

·         Do you have bad skin, and just don't know why? ·        

·         Do you ever suffer from abdominal pains and cramping? ·        

·         Do you suffer from headaches, or experience confusion, impaired judgment, or have trouble concentrating?

·         Do you always feel hungry, and as a result, are constantly snacking on sugary or starchy foods?  

 There has been few testimonies of people that have used it already here:

Testimony 1: I’ve had considerable intestinal problems since childhood. I’ve taken 1 LIVITIES capsules per day for about 45 days. My intestines feel better. I’m able to eat more foods with fewer reactions. The first time I took 2 caps and had a black substance come out 3 times, it cleaned me out. After that everything was better, I’ve only been taking 1 each day. I am digesting better. Able to drink more water. I’m sleeping better and my brain and thinking are clearer. Thank You so much for sharing this wonderful product with me. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit! Love, May Williman


Testimony 2: We began using LIVITIES Capsules, the first of October of 2022 here it is almost the first of January, 2023 I am here to tell that LIVITIES is working for me and my wife. I have had three surgeries on my Stomach and was told I would need one more in January or early Feb 2023. With LIVITIES I don’t need the surgery. They were going to do another surgery on the side of my stomach and now I don’t need it at all. Also, to my surprise, I’m also, being treated for Macular Degeneration and I am now able to see better with my right eye and it is getting better very quickly. I haven’t done anything differently in diet or lifestyle so I have come to the conclusion that it is LIVITIES.


Testimony 3: LIVITIES, I thought this was interesting, especially because the LIVITIES capsules help to heal the gut… some believe most disease starts in the gut. Maybe LIVITIES capsules will truly help all of us in many ways. They are certainly helping my husbands’ eyes who has suffered from macular degeneration for years. Before he could not even see the Large E at the top of the chart. After being on LIVITIES capsules for 2 months he can now read the first 3 lines on the chart. Judy



Testimony 4:  Even though i was reluctant to buy this product immediately for fear and doubts i finally and it worked the magic for the hepatitis B. just give it a trial and you're almost there. Prof. Issa from GHANA.

And this Supplement is for those that think it is finished after they discovered they are Hepatitic...this is just a way of showing that when there's life there's hope and whatever we do living on earth are risks so i implore you to take this simple risk today and you're good to go to have your testimonies posted.




We need GHT livities to prevent liver damages caused by certain diseases and environmental factors such as industrial and chemical pollution. The liver need to be taken good care of due to it significant role in the body system.

Key Facts

The liver filters all of the blood in the body and breaks down poisonous substances, such as alcohol and drugs

The liver also produces bile, a fluid that helps digest fats and removes waste.

The liver is the largest solid organ in the body. It removes toxins from the blood supply, maintains healthy blood sugar level, regulates blood circulation.

Any deviation from normal functions of liver changes one’s feeling from depression , dizziness and lost of memory and chest distress, fatigue and lost of appetite. GHT Livities is a Traditional Chinese Medicine which is effective for liver Nourishment , detoxifying and protecting the liver for liver cell Rejuvenation and supporting healthy liver function.

Main ingredients

Bupleuri radix, Artemisia capillaris, isatis indigotica extract , schisandra chinensis and mung bean


Radix Bupleuri has been used widely for the treatments of influenza, fever, inflammation, malaria, menstrual disorders, and hepatitis in China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries

Mung beans   Are high in nutrients and antioxidants, which may provide health benefits. In fact, they may protect against heat stroke, aid digestive health, promote weight loss and lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Isatis indigotica (I. indigotica) is an herbaceous plant belonging to Cruciferae family. Its leaf (IIL) and root (IIR) are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) with good clinical efficacies such as clearing away heat and detoxification, cooling blood and reducing swelling

Artemisia capillaris Thunb. (A. capillaris, Yin-Chen in Chinese) is a traditional medicinal herb with a wide spectrum of pharmacological properties ranging from effects against liver dysfunction to treatments of severe cirrhosis and cancer.

Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. (SCE) is a plant whose fruits have a long-standing use in traditional Chinese medicine. They have been used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, respiratory failure, cardiovascular diseases, body fatigue and weakness, excessive sweating, and insomnia




1. Used for acute and chronic hepatitis.

2. It detoxify and protect the liver for liver cell rejuvenation.

3. Effective for   accelerating liver function recovery.

4. Lowering enzymes ,turbidity and regulating immune function.

5. Improving metabolic disorder.

6. Supports liver health.

7. Treating alcoholic liver and fatty liver.





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     Here Is The Remedy To Quickly Get Rid Of Pile/Hemorrhoid Within 6 Weeks Without Going For Surgery. Only The Natural Can Deal With The Root Cause Of The Problem Permanently Without Side Effects


Piles is another term for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal. They contain blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers.

Many people have piles, but the symptoms are not always obvious. Hemorrhoids cause noticeable symptoms for at least 50 percent of people in the United States (U.S.) before the age of 50 years.
Fast facts on piles:
Piles are collections of tissue and vein that become inflamed and swollen.
The size of piles can vary, and they are found inside or outside the anus.
Piles occur due to chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy, or straining when passing a stool.
A doctor can usually diagnose piles on examination.
Hemorrhoids are graded on a scale from I to IV. At grades III or IV, surgery may be necessary.



Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids usually depend on the type of hemorrhoid.

External hemorrhoids

These are under the skin around your anus. Signs and symptoms might include:

·         Itching or irritation in your anal region

·         Pain or discomfort

·         Swelling around your anus

·         Bleeding

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids lie inside the rectum. You usually can't see or feel them, and they rarely cause discomfort. But straining or irritation when passing stool can cause:

·         Painless bleeding during bowel movements. You might notice small amounts of bright red blood on your toilet tissue or in the toilet.

·         A hemorrhoid to push through the anal opening (prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoid), resulting in pain and irritation.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids

If blood pools in an external hemorrhoid and forms a clot (thrombus), it can result in:

·         Severe pain

·         Swelling

·         Inflammation

·         A hard lump near your anus

Symptoms also includes:

·         bright red blood after you poo.

·         an itchy anus

·         feeling like you still need to poo after going to the toilet.

·         slimy mucus in your underwear or on toilet paper after wiping your bottom.

·         lumps around your anus.

·         pain around your anus.


Causes and Risk Factors of Hemorrhoids

You may be more likely to get hemorrhoids if other family members, like your parents had them.

Pressure building up in your lower rectum can affect blood flow and make the veins there swell. That may happen from:

  • Pushing during bowel movements
  • Straining when you do something that’s physically hard, like lifting something heavy
  • Extra weight, like obesity
  • Pregnancy, when your growing uterus presses on your veins
  • diet low in fiber
  • Anal sex

People who stand or sit for long stretches of time are at greater risk, too.

You may get them when you have constipation or diarrhea that doesn’t clear up. Coughingsneezing, and vomiting could make them worse.

Hemorrhoids Complications

Rarely, hemorrhoids could lead to problems such as:

  • Skin tags. When the clot in a thrombosed hemorrhoid dissolves, you may have a bit of skin left over, which could get irritated.
  • Anemia. You might lose too much blood if you have a hemorrhoid that lasts a long time and bleeds a lot.
  • Infection. Some external hemorrhoids have sores that get infected.
  • Strangulated hemorrhoid. Muscles can block the blood flow to a prolapsed hemorrhoid. This may be very painful




1. Cleanses blood waste and treat syphilis and gonorrhea caused by visceral viruses

2. Effective against neisseria gonorrhoeae, staphylococcus aureus, genital herpes, syphilis and candida albicans, with average killing rate of 99.9%.

3. Effective for gynecological inflammation and urinary system inflammation.

4. Improves skin health

5. Effective for hemorrhoid

6. Relieves vaginitis and genital itches

7. Effective for recovering and healing of wounded tissue and burns.

8. Natural anti-biotics, inhibiting and killing many kinds of germs and viruses.

9. It cleanses the colon and gastro-intestinal tract

10. It detoxifies and calm the body system

11. It eases stomach and intestinal peristalsis

12. It helps loose weight and lowers blood fat

13. It treats constipation

14. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

15. Improves bowel movement.

16. Nourishes the skin


The Only Way You Can Ever Get Rid Of Your Hemorrhoids is From Within by Correctly Feeding Your Body With What It Needs and Free Yourself. See Below Success Stories.


Success Story #1: No More Pile
Hi Banky, thanks for your great natural Piles therapy and priceless advice. I totally understand what you mean about never-ending hemorrhoid creams, they are just there to make money for pharmaceutical companies. I have suffered from chronic hemorrhoids for more than 5 years now, but just after 2 weeks of using your Natural Piles Remedy, my hemorrhoids are gone! I still can’t believe it.
I am definitely going to share this with some of my friends who also have hemorrhoids. Thanks again for what you are doing and I really appreciate your help. Who would have thought that this problem could be solved so easily and naturally!
Adekunle, Jos!
Success Story #2: I’m Back To Jogging
Dear Banky Before starting your Natural Piles Remedy, my pains were almost unbearable. I could not go for a long walk, as it would get very uncomfortable on the way and I would also get bleeding during my regular bowel movements. I seriously didn’t know what to do about it, but one thing for sure – I didn’t want to go for surgery.
Thanks to your Natural Therapy. I’m now back to jogging (my favourite sport).
Success Story #3Bleeding Is Gone”
Banky, your Natural Piles Therapy is absolutely amazing and I love the fact that it has no side effects. It’s really great that you’ve decided to share this information with everyone.
My doctor was convinced that surgery was the only option for me, but despite his diagnosis, my bleeding is now gone thanks to the power of nature. Hemorrhoids are no bother for me anymore.
Gabriel Ghana.
Success Story #4: My Pile has disappeared
Since giving birth to my daughter Mary, I’ve had hemorrhoids that would often bleed, cause itching and just get in the way of my everyday life. I tried all the popular hemorrhoidal creams, but they didn’t last long and the symptoms would come back. But after using your Natural Piles Remedy, my hemorrhoids have disappeared. You definitely got this right. Thanks!
Omolola, Abuja.
Success Story #5: Really Helped To Reduce Swelling , just wanted to drop you a quick email saying that I have recently purchased your Natural Piles Remedy and it has really helped to reduce the swelling of my hemorrhoids. You are doing an excellent job and it’s good to know there’s someone out there who knows how to solve this embarrassing problem for real.
Really, This Simply Works – Period!
Of course, all our bodies are unique and the results will vary from one person to another, but the great thing is that there are many different Natural Home Remedies to choose from. Over 90% of the people who have tried this Natural Therapy have managed to get rid of their hemorrhoids within 2-4weeks, and some within 6weeks.
Therefore, I would love to share this Remedy with YOU as well because, I believe this is the only natural, fast and time-proven way to safely get rid of hemorrhoids without any unwanted consequence.


How to get the pack of our medication

Health Benefits of Our Pile Removal Without Surgery

Science has shown that Citrus is beneficial for preventing and helping with the symptoms of Pile. It has benefits such as:

1.        Made from a painless and scientifically proven method to control hemorrhoids

2.        Its natural ingredients are 100% from citrus

3.        Also, it alleviates hemorrhoid ( Pile) without surgery

4.        Reduces pains in the anus and irritation.

5.        Relief pains, burning sensations, and itching

6.        Calms bleeding Piles

7.        Reduce discomfort after a bowel movement

How to get the pack of our medication


COMPLETE PACK: 1,000 Cedis

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